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Full text of "San Francisco Received order for new dies"

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RG104 E-1 Box 184 

Jjltu of the ‘Sluitcct J^tatos at Jian ^t*ancisco 

NARA RG104, Entry 1, Box 184 

The Mint of the United States at San Francisco, 
Superintendent’s Office, 

January 15, 1894 

Hon. O.C. Bosbyshell, 

Supt. U.S. Mint, 

Philadelphia, Pa. 


I have this day received the following coinage dies for 1894. 

5 0bv. 

Vi. Dollar 

#11 to #15 


5 Rev. 

1/2 “ 

#11 to #15 

3 0bv. 


#11 to #13 

3 Rev. 


#11 to #13 


Bring Vi of the number ordered. 

Respectfully yours, 

Robb. Barnett 
Acting Superintendent.